Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Letz the Dogs Out

Last night Fox 5 News did a story on entrepreneurs in the DC area, and they happened to feature the creator of my favorite website I Can Haz Cheezburger.com. The best part about the "breaking story" (there must not have been anyone shot in DC yesterday, or no one to talk to at Ben's Chili Bowl) was that they totally didn't get why this website is funny - they kept saying things like "yes folks, those mispellings are intentional [chuckle chuckle]."

But it is so funny! Especially if you like cats (who doesn't). After the story the anchor lady said to the weatherman "I can haz sunshine?" Har har har. That would never make it on Cheezburger.

These are far funnier and sometimes, when I haz depressions, or when someone else does, I will send them an LOLCat.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And then... we continued to wait

Well, the all important "Due Date" has now come and gone. Only problem is that nothing has changed and Jackson is still hanging in there and does not want to come out. We are on standby daily but there is nothing much to report. From all accounts and memories from friends, this is the calm before the storm. Time will tell the tale.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Manassas Battlefield

We had some time Sunday morning before the Skins game so we decided to take Jersey out to the battlefield to get a little exercise and attention before little Jackson comes around. (Not to mention the extra walking in an effort to get little Jackson to come on out!) We had a great time taking a little drive and enjoying the wonderful fall weather.

Cox Farms

We decided that an afternoon out to Cox Farms sounded like a great idea. For those of you who don't know, Cox Farms is an amazing farm out in Centreville/Chantilly. Reference the Roloff Farm from "Big People Little World". Below is Ashley posing beside a few pumpkins.

And here is Chad trying to be silly with the pumpkins. Isn't he hilarious? Haha.

And below is a little bit of our stash that we go from Cox Farms, fresh apples for a "coming soon" apple pie, kettle corn, apple cider, apple butter (the good stuff), and a pirate looking rubber ducky for little Jackson.
